Empowering You To Heal Yourself
'Traditional' Naturopathy
At Its Finest!
Traditional naturopathy, the science of nature, is a result of a cumulative effort made by various cultures and civilizations dating some 3000 years before us. Since ancient times the practice of using elements found in nature were successful and provided proof that we can cure and heal chronic and acute ailments which includes dis-ease and allopathic terms such as cancer, naturally. Imagine that, a free gift from The Most High, our creator, to heal thy body and soul, from that which can be found in the elements and beauty of the earth, water, foods, and herbs to name a few gifts he gives us. He also gives us the knowledge and courage to heal our mind and spirit entirely.
Traditional naturopathy which also is identified as simply 'naturopathy,' has developed from ancient medicinal practices and has been around in our country since the 1800s, as a drugless non-medical system of healthcare and medicine. Naturopathy was one of the earliest known healing systems. Before surgery and synthetic isolation of chemical substances, foods, water, and whole herbs were used by many cultures to nurture our bodies for a wide range of problems. A traditional naturopath, 'naturopath' — is dedicated to utilizing nature's healing powers to help others.
Holy Spirit Wellness is a practice distinguished by six well-established principles and practice protocols: 1: First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere): Utilize the most natural therapies. 2: Utilize the Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix naturae): Trust in the body’s inherent wisdom to heal itself. 3: Identify and Treat the Causes - Foundational Healing (Tolle causam): Look beyond the symptoms to the underlying cause. 4: The Doctor as Teacher and Facilitator (Docere): Educate patients in the steps to achieving and maintaining health. 5: Treat the Whole Person: Holistic Healing (Tolle totum): View the body as an integrated whole in all its physical and spiritual dimensions. 6: Prevention & Promoting Wellness through Supportive Counsel (Praevenic): Focus on overall health, wellness and disease prevention. Interestingly, the word “doctor” has come from the Latin docere (dōˑ·se·rā). Docere is a Latin word that means to “instruct, teach, or point out.” Doctor as Teacher is a very old, founding, and classical tenet of traditional naturopathy. Traditional naturopaths TNDs are trained to spend quality time with their clients, to teach them about healing and health, how to use remedies, how to understand treatments, and how protocols work. To achieve this, they gather various health information in many different non-intrusive ways through different modalities, and then put this data to work to draw upon a wide range of health building remedies and protocols. There is a strong force of traditional naturopaths around the world working hard to help people with their health and wellness goals and with great success. As a 'wholistic' traditional naturopath, otherwise known as a "Doctor of Natural Medicine" our perspective of how to achieve wholeness, requires that we stand by, for, and behind the true nature and foundations of what a "Traditional Naturopath" is and nothing less. Let's get healthy! Holy Spirit Wellness's 'Scope of Practice' can be found on our MODALITIES page, and our 'Healing Solutions' can be found on our REMEDIES page. |
Disease preys on a weak and malnourished mind.
~Dr. Bernard Jensen
Mind & SpiritThe mind is where it all begins when we refer to understanding. Here is where everything is computed and interpreted like a computer so to speak. The mind controls all your actions except those that are autonomic. Our spirit exist here and is what makes us whole. We need to upgrade and reboot frequently to understand our universe as we experience the expansion process or what some may refer to as maturity.
The spirit is the essence of our very being. Our spirit is the vital force which mediates between our mind and body. Spirit is the vital principle of consciousness that which animates the body. As the saying goes, the teacher will appear when the student is ready. We can see and hear and have complete understanding when true information is given, yet when rejected, it a sign that the person has not The Holy Spirit within to receive and that The Most High God knows you are not ready for this information just yet. You must walk the narrow path. Be patient, persistent and never give up! |
Body & SoulThe body is an incredible machine. Our body speaks an abundant amount of truth and not much can be hidden. Our body is regenerative and relying on our first and second mind to operate optimally. The body is a temple where our soul lives. We need to feed our body foods approved by The Most High God to stay healthy. Eat alive to stay alive!
Our soul is what will move on one day. Our soul knows what it needs to do here while in our body on this Earth. The soul is very connected to the heart, hence 'Heart & Soul.' Although our mind is very powerful, we must learn to live from the heart, as this is how our soul speaks and this will allow your soul to fulfill its purpose. Let the wisdom inside of you ground you so that you may bloom and grow forever! |
What you suppress today is your nightmare tomorrow.
~Dr. Robert Morse
~Dr. Robert Morse